Hey friends! I am thrilled to announce that the hilarious book, “Clash of the Couples” is now ON SALE!! If you are in a relationship, married or even on the dating scene, you will surely love this compilation of stories from 40 fabulous writers sharing their own version of how they ‘clashed’ with their love […]
Love: Don’t Settle For Anything Less
I came downstairs, tired and grumpy as I always am in the morning. I approached my kitchen counter for my first stop. As I began the routine of making the kids breakfast, packing lunches and making my coffee, I glanced down at his note. I blushed. I smiled. I sighed. My daughter came beside me […]
No Going Back
I recently had a heart to heart with a beloved friend. She is facing a journey no one could imagine, and I am honored to be marching by her side while she pushes forward on a path she did not choose. She has regrets. She wishes life before the ‘turn’ would have been different… And […]