A lot goes on behind this blog of mine… Hearts are lifted in prayer, poured out in tears, and shared in deep and lasting ties that are made in this worldwide web. Oh, how I love that so very much. You see, words can be the bridge that builds gaps, both far and wide. In […]
Devotional Diary: “I’m Such A Beautiful Let Down.”
Today I kick off my new series! A few posts back, I offered my place for anyone to come and share their faith story. Anyone. That includes all walks of faith, all kinds of people, and truly- everyone who comes here is loved and valuable and worthy of respect, wherever they are in their faith […]
Devotional Diary: From Pain To Prayerful Purpose
It’s been a rough week, as many of you know. I am ten days post surgery, and I sure thought I would be feeling much better by now. That’s not the case. It hasn’t been easy, it has been painful, and continues to be… But I know that this will soon be a memory. And […]