I was lying in bed the other night in pain. My ear was burning and twitching, my breasts burst with that familiar sharp surge and my joint in my foot was once again caught against the bone as the fragments pierced my tendons. I felt the various pains rise and fall over and over again, […]
Wounds Make Warriors…
Dear readers, I am honored to share that I will be a regular Momtor at the wonderful site Mothering From Scratch. My first post is out today!! Please click on the link below and read. Please support my work and this excellent site by commenting there! This is really exciting! Woot. 😉 http://motheringfromscratch.com/2012/11/05/momtor-monday-wounds-make-warriors/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+MotheringFromScratch+%28Mothering+From+Scratch%29