To all the fathers who…
Stepped up, plugged in, held on, forged ahead, committed to, learned how, embraced all, encountered much, battled through, held tight, loved soft, never quit, backed off, let loose, braved courage, faced fears, prayed for, tightened up, loosened reigns, remembered when, helped often, inspired much, led forward, stayed true, taught morals, found strength, said yes, valued life, reasoned well, gave in, made time, had fun, helped out, played fair, took care, provided plenty, let go, stood up, swallowed pride, changed paths, took risks, dug deep, went easy, pushed forward, fought for, carried burdens, kept going, dreamed big, never quit, shed tears, forgave often, found patience, shined light, suffered pain, made dates, had faith, showed respect, wrote notes, held hands, stayed safe, laughed loud, lost sleep, slowed down, tackled chores, tried hard, let win, chose right, opened up, gave grace, got involved, gave your all…
I commend you.
*For the true integrity of a man is measured by such things*
I dedicate this post to my beloved husband, the father of my children. He inspired these words.
So sweet!
Thanks Andrea!! 🙂
Love this!!
Thanks so much Michelle! 🙂
Love this! So many fathers out there who step up and do what’s right. They deserve to be recognized. 🙂
There are so many amazing men who show true integrity in this area!! Sadly, there are many who don’t as well. I am blessed that I have a husband who can truly “step up”. If fathers get it ‘right’- then they get the privilege of having a remarkably abundant life with their child/children.
Love this and yes, the true integrity of a man, or for any of us that is, is in our actions. Always. xo
Exactly Ilene! Actions will always speak louder than even the most elaborate words… and this is coming from us two- who find passion in words! 😉
Love those words. Well said…and what an inspiration,
Thank you Laurie. I kept coming up with more through out the day, as I just kept thinking of the last ten years and how much ‘integrity’ he truly shows in being such an amazing father. I know so many who fall short in many ways… as I kept adding to the list, I realized how truly blessed I am. If we women can really focus on the things our guys actually do, we see how remarkably they father our kids.
Love this! Beautifully put, my friend.
Thanks SO much Jennifer. 🙂
Beautiful. Such a loving tribute. I am so lucky to know so many dads who have done and who do all of those things.
Thanks so much Tricia!! There are many men who truly live out this kind of integrity. Sadly, there are many more who don’t.
I am blessed that I found that kind of man for my kiddos. 🙂
I sent this to my husband and wrote, “What Chris said” on it 🙂
Oh that’s AWESOME Stephanie!!! SO glad you have a man of integrity too! That cracks me up and lifts me up at the very same time. Thanks so much, hun!!! 🙂
So well said and in such a cool way! Way to go, my friend. 🙂
Thanks honey… 🙂 Our men really do have integrity. And it shows.
We men fall short of so many of these at one time or another. It helps to have a strong man we call dad to serve as our model, and to have the courage every night to tell ourselves, “tomorrow, I’ll try again.”
Beautifully said, CC.
Where you fall short… you always end up standing tall. Although you guys may drop a ball here and there… you always know how to end the game with a win. 😉 And our children always know, no matter what- they can count on you to score the winning goal after all.
We’re learning too. And it’s not just about each win, it’s about the big picture. I think my kids learn more from my failures than from my successes.
I get that. I really do. Did I mention that “humility” is one of the best indicators of integrity? Oh yes. Yes it is… And you got it, BC. 😉
Love this, Chris! I am stealing every one of your words to say to my husband. Thank you for reminding me how blessed I am!
Yeah… I kept adding as the day went on and I was thinking about all of the things our men do as fathers of our children. We are SO blessed. 🙂
Do you mind if next year I just print this out for our Father’s Day card? It is PERFECT. Well said! :)-Ashley
Print away Ashley!! PRINT AWAY!!! You’re so sweet… 😉
I’m so late! This is such a wonderful tribute Chris. I don’t think you missed a thing. Hope your hubs had a wonderful Father’s Day!
Thanks so much Hope!!! I am really blessed to have such a wonderful father for my children. I think I could have added about a hundred more things…
{Melinda} What a beautiful tribute to your man. 🙂
Thanks SO much Melinda!! 🙂 He deserves it…
Wow! I Love This…very well put.
Thank you so much for your beautiful comment, Peggy! I’m so glad you liked it. XO