If you are a parent, then you are well aware of all the opportunities that are *offered* for us to volunteer. Most of our kids’ activities, school affairs, sports, and church ministries are run by volunteers alone, which means we all must chip in to some degree- in order for our kids to have such experiences in their life. We parents are bombarded at times, with the desperate pleas and endless needs that arise on a continual basis. There is truly a fine art to this volunteerism thing. It’s complicated, really.
How often do you offer your assistance, your time, your money? There’s a mix of guilt and relief when I don’t. I have been actively involved in helping out, and I have also sat on the sidelines without lifting a hand. I’m guessing you have been in both camps too. We can’t do it all. But we surely can appreciate those who do so much, when we sit back and take it all in. I think we all have our time and place in the big wide landscape of volunteering. And as the new school year slams into our lives, the invitations will come pouring in as well. We will all face the calling card…
“HELP needed!”
I wrote about this very thing, over at The Mid. I think there truly is a Fine Art to Volunteerism (Click here), and I shared my thoughts about it over there. I would be so grateful, if you clicked on over to read it and if you liked my piece- please share! There are no comments over at The Mid, which is quite lovely really… So share and tag me and I can read your response there!
While you are over there, take a good look around. The Mid has quickly become one of my favorite sites. You’ll see why, when you go. The writing is excellent, and the topics are always worthy of a read.
For us, tomorrow is “Back to school days”, where we find out our teachers and gather our supplies and pay our fees. Guess what else happens there? The endless requests to volunteer…
Heading over to read it now and we have about another month until school starts as we ended late in June and we will actually be on vacation in Disney next week, but still sooner or later school and volunteering will start back up for me here, as well.
There really is a lot of joy in volunteering! There is a fine line between giving too much and too little, for me. I hope I get the balance right this year!! (Hope you are having a BLAST at Disney, my friend!!!)
See I try to volunteer when I can at school and kids stuff, but the truth is, it makes me beyond miserable. I’m an introvert and when I get into those situations, they make me super antsy. But, I’m also a worker bee and can never say no. So when something needs to be done, I’ll do it. But only if you ASK. I tried to do the whole home room mom thing, and I was abysmal at best. Some people are better suited for some things than others! :-0 Great post.
Alexa- it sounds like you would best serve ‘behind the scenes’ with volunteering… you know all those tasks and projects that can be done at home, or at the computer? You are a total worker bee- I can tell with ALL the amazing things you are involved in online!! I think lots of people don’t volunteer because they are introverts. I’m sure there are more comfortable ways you could help behind the scenes. You shouldn’t have to feel miserable helping!!
I am going to read! I have to say “no” to most fundraising type things, as an organizer. I’m terrible at that. And at asking for.. anything. What I am good at is donating photography sessions to fundraisers! Whee!! I’m glad I find something I could say yes to.
Oh T- what a PERFECT way to contribute!!! I just love that you can offer your talent for fundraising!!
What a great post! I volunteer all the time, and have also been a volunteer coordinator which is both frustrating and rewarding all at the same time. What you wrote about our spouses is also true. My husband volunteers as well! I’ve had parents tell me they wish they could volunteer but it’s just too hard with work and young kids, and I completely understand. And so like you, when I just can’t, I have a twinge of guilt…but I get over it!
We really can’t do it all, can we? And then there are those super-volunteers that blow me away with how much time and energy they dedicate to helping. I can’t be that awesome. Nope. But I think everyone needs to make those decisions based on the things I wrote about in the article, and we can appreciate all who help out when they can! Thanks so much for reading it, Ginny. I’m so grateful!
Congrats on getting on The Mid—That’s a great site to be featured on!
Thanks so much Marcia!! It’s quickly become my all time favorite site! 🙂
Heading over to read the post.
Can’t believe it’s time for a new school year already!
Thank you so much for reading it, my friend!! 🙂 XOXO
I’ve tried to volunteer a few times and I can agree that it’s never easy. Especially if you’re involved in the planning and organizing. It’s very fulfilling though.
You are so right, Lux! It’s not easy, but truly fulfilling. 🙂 I think everyone needs to choose wisely and give and take with a balance. And appreciate everyone who helps! I hope you liked the post, my friend!
I’m off to read it, but I have to say – I’ve done my time in the volunteer trenches – almost ten years. I can’t do it anymore and let the new wave of mommies (who are still eager:)), get their time. I prefer to write a check, but I will help out in my child’s classroom, when needed.
GOOD FOR YOU MAMA!!! You totally deserve to ‘retire’ from that position!! 🙂
From what I understand about having a school-aged child, you are often bombarded with requests to volunteer — in the classroom, in the school library, with the PTA, afterschool activities. I’m sure it can be downright overwhelming! As a person volunteering and pouring your blood, sweat and tears (not to mention your precious time) it can be easy to feel resentful and wonder why other people aren’t offering their assistance (as the president of a nonprofit and having chaired our major fundraiser the past two years, I’ve definitely felt my bit of resentment!). You put it in great perspective, though. There are so many reasons why people aren’t or can’t volunteer — they have other obligations, with families, work, and maybe even volunteering elsewhere. It’s not my job to judge them, but to appreciate that in my own way I’m helping to make a difference, and to truly appreciate when others are in a position that their volunteering their time has helped me.
I am actually reading a book right now on how to encourage and inspire people to Volunteer more… because yes! it’s a tricky thing indeed. I do the kindergarten class lessons at my church for the past 5 years: largely on my own. which means? I am not in grown up service most Sundays. But…. no one wanted to help. And yes, I assume they do have their reasons and will not judge them at all.
but.. I do need help!! so what to do? it’s definitely hard.
up here you also have to provide references, a police record check – maybe even your fingerprints!! and normally do an interview: obviously all in effort to protect these precious children as best we can. but it’s also a deterrent to many.
but you know, at the end of the day, I don’t really care about others so much: I get blessed when I volunteer!! It’s such a rewarding feeling, especially if you are doing a charity: so much better than just sitting around b$tching on Facebook about something: I feel like I am actually being a part of changes I want to see in the world. And if that doesn’t motivate someone? they probably should NOT volunteer!