Today I want to share with you some of my favorite articles that are focused on Motherhood and Mental Health.
With Mother’s Day fast approaching and May being “Mental Health Awareness” month, I thought I would offer you the brilliant posts I discovered through my online pursuits. I’m incredibly blessed to be able to read so many amazing writers, and I know many people don’t have the time to search the internet for quality content like I do.
I want to both support other writers, as well as offer you a view into what I believe to be some of the best writers online. I promise, you will be moved by each and every one of these pieces I share with you today.
Let’s start with Motherhood, shall we?
1. I have to tell you, I still laugh until I cry when I read this post- Seriously. My friend shared it on my Facebook timeline, saying she was surprised I wasn’t the one who wrote it. You moms who spend a lot of time on the sidelines watching your kids play sports? READ THIS. I mean, maybe it’s just me, but then I see almost 110,000 other people shared it, so yeah, it’s pretty hilarious. Best. Post. EVER. I only wish I was best friends with Stacy Graebner. We would TOTALLY hit it off, especially if our sons were on the same team.
2. Then there’s Christina Antus, another hilarious writer I am honored to call a friend in the online world. She CRACKED me UP with this one about the incredibly extravagant outfits and accessories she currently wears as a mom. I really think she NAILED IT. Read: “4 Simple Looks I’ve Mastered, As Inspired By Goop.” So, so funny. Ohmygosh. I love her. If you liked this one, then check out her publication page on her site. I promise every post will deliver the laughs.
3. On a more serious note, I absolutely loved a new post written by my dear friend Whitney Fleming from Play Dates On Fridays, titled “Too Sexy, Too Young.” It is about her daughter and what she wears amidst the unfiltered world views that will eventually influence her 10-year old’s perspective and choices. Whitney describes what we all are feeling as moms of growing girls in today’s society. Every mom who has a daughter will need to read it. It is SO good.
4. My beloved friend Andrea Mowery from About 100%, wrote a piece about parenting that still sticks with me, because I truly believe this is the best way to raise independent kids. As I read her brilliant description of the scene that unfolded with her daughter, I could relate SO much to it with my own parenting. It’s really important to let go of helping our kids, so they can develop the ability to take care of themselves. That’s the goal right? Read: “Do It Yourself.”
5. This next work of poetic brilliance is written by my dear friend, Julie Jo Severson with whom I literally squeal when I see she has written something new on her blog. I really do. I love her words that much. You’ll see why, when you read this gorgeous piece about motherhood and what we pass on from generation to generation. She has this magical way of threading her words together so beautifully, and authentically- I could soak in them for days.
6. Sara Philpott from All American Mom, is a beautiful friend and writer who has a passionate purpose in her latest post that is incredibly important for this upcoming Mother’s Day. She wants us to honor ALL moms on this Holiday- Not just the moms with living children in our midst, but more so THESE moms:
- The invisible moms- the women who experience pregnancy loss.
- The dear moms- God bless their souls- who have outlived one or more of their children.
- The hopeful women- those who yearn for nothing more than to be a mom.
Please go check out her post about how we can all honor the hearts of these precious mamas. I’m sure you too, will find this message and mission to be one you will want to support.
7. I know many women who have suffered from clinical depression. This post should be read by everyone, because I am well aware of many hurtful and often unintentional things people say to those who suffer from depression, and unfortunately, there are still people who truly don’t understand this disease. Karis Rogerson explains it SO well in this post: “15 Things Not To Say To Depressed People.”
8. My close friend Heidi Kreider wrote this inspirational and motivating post about how much our stories matter. I absolutely LOVED her message and the scripture that reflects how we can use our own experiences for good in helping others who face similar struggles. I was struck by how true it is, because I continue to witness hundreds of people share their powerful stories and in doing so, it “brings healing both to the soul of the storyteller and to the heart of the listener.”
9. With Heidi’s post in mind, I want to share a new story “The Startling Secret About That Perfect Mom” written by Kira Lewis, a fellow blogger who had the courage to share her own story about her mental health break down. I am so glad she did, because I, along with many other women who have had similar experiences, want her to know she is not alone. Her voice will also inspire more women to get the help they so deserve as well as offer the hope that none of us are crazy. Instead we can identify with her claim:
“I was simply a mom who had been strong for far too long.”
10. I’m going to end this round up with a profoundly gripping piece titled, “Right Now.” It is a difficult yet encouraging read about suicide. I can describe my friend, Christine Suhan from Feelings and Faith, as a heroine in her own powerful story- filled with tragic circumstances and relentless challenges- but above all, VICTORY in living a life full of passion and purpose. She shares her story all over the internet proving Heidi’s message over and over again. As we spend this month growing our awareness of mental health issues, let’s also grow the movement to encourage people to SHARE their struggles so they too, can get the help they so desperately need.
There are so many more incredible articles I could have chosen for you all. The decision on what to choose is always a difficult one for me, but I do hope these had a lasting impact on your heart. I know they did for me. That’s always a good sign the writer has a gift…
I’m so glad they share their gifts with us, aren’t you?
What can I say, but thank you Chris and will be catching up a bit of reading tonight from these fabulous and encouraging writers now.
I’m so glad you are going to read them, Janine! Every single one of these is SO good. 🙂
Thank you for doing the hard work of putting this round-up together! I love what you shared, and am especially humbled to be a part of it. Thank you for being you, for being an amazing encourager. xo
I love your ‘voice’ and I adore YOU. I’m so blessed to have you in my life.This little labor of love is SO worth it, because there is just SO much talent out there I want to share!
Christine, thank you, thank you, thank you for all you do to lift up and encourage other writers. We all know writing online can feel a little isolating and making ourselves so vulnerable a little scary. But YOU, Christine, fill this great big virtual space with warmth and acceptance and support. Do you have any idea how much we all appreciate and love you, not for promoting our posts (well, yeah, a little), but just simply because you are such a beacon of light and hope with your thoughtful comments, your accepting heart, and for the beautiful stories and messages you inscribe in your own words, too, week after week! Connecting with you has been THE biggest blessing for me since I started writing again through my tiny, little blog.
See? There you go again… making me do that “sigh and cry” thing. lol I am so so so grateful for you- for all your AMAZING encouragement and your INCREDIBLE gift. Julie, you and all you share just mean the WORLD to me. I could go on and on… Just know how much I truly adore you and appreciate every single word you write- whether in a post or to me personally. Every SINGLE one.
Thank you so much for sharing great reads here Chris. I enjoyed a lot ready Heidi and Kira posts. Yes, we all have a story to share and by sharing it with help ourselves and others. I feel motherhood to be a delicate yet wonderful adventure. I am feeling under pressure most of the time and some days I even wonder whether I will make it work, dreaming about the time when my little one will be in bed and I will be able to collapse on the couch and let it all go.
We ought to support each other and be there. It makes a great difference.
Stay well my friend.
Oh Marie, do I understand everything you shared. Hang in there mama, and I will do the same! Supporting each other makes a HUGE difference, doesn’t it? 🙂
Hi Chris! Thank you for your generosity in sharing some of your favorite writers and their work. You are very blessed indeed.
Happy Mothers Day to you, and I hope your day is full of hugs and kisses and maybe…cake???
No cake here… BUT that’s okay. I was blessed by my hubs and kids all day long. <3 I do hope your Mother's Day was beautiful as well, my friend!
I would imagine it was hard to narrow that down! For every gorgeous one (and yes, I’ve read most of these), I was also thinking, “You know who else rocks? Kim Morand!” And so on.
Kudos to you!
I’m so glad you liked these and oh yes… there are so SO many more I could have shared!
Hi Chrissy – these were good. 🙂 I read a lot of them.
Aw thanks sugar plum. I’m glad you enjoyed them! 🙂
Thank you for these recommendations! I learn so much from what you share.
I’m dying, completely ROFL from #1! So true.
Katy, that makes me SO happy. Thank you friend!
I swear she was inside MY HEAD. Best read EVER! That one will never get old. 🙂
I have added these to my reading list. You’re such an awesome friend and I’m so so glad to have you in my life.
I feel the EXACT same way about you, love. Sometime this summer, lets sit outside on our back patios and have a phone date, mkay? 🙂
Number 1!!!! Ha!!!! Maybe I found it so funny since I spent last night sitting at my son’s baseball practice for 45 minutes after it was supposed to have ended… as a person who lives by lists and schedules, my stomach was in knots every. minute. that practice went over. Tell me why I sign him up for these things again? Lol. I look forward to reading some of the other links on your list!
Happy Mother’s Day!!!
Isn’t that one HILARIOUS? Oh my gosh I can’t stop laughing every time I read it! I hope you were able to read some of the other posts shared here, Jaime. They are really very good. <3
There are so many amazing writers sharing their stories, and I am sure they reach exactly who they are suppose to reach. Thanks for sharing these links, and sharing your story!
I just love reading so many different writers and soaking in their words- whether they are profoundly moving or absolutely hilarious! Thanks for coming by to check them out, my friend.
I love the number one story about the sports! It’s so funny! I think I saw it on Twitter… I’ll check out those other posts, thank you for putting the time into this. Mental health is a very real thing and being a Mom with mental illness can be so tough! I look forward to reading the rest 🙂
Thank YOU for taking the time to read this post and check out these amazing articles, Leah. They won’t disappoint!
So many gems here! I loved Christina’s Goop spoof! And I’ve off to read two other I bookmarked (and I’m at work momma, shouldn’t be doing this:). You are the best cheerleader in the world. I hope you had a fantastic mother’s day!
You are so cute, Allie! I hope you didn’t get in any trouble, reading them at work! 🙂 There are just so many amazing writers out there, I love sharing these gems with as many people as I can.
I loved every single one! To say I am thrilled to learn a I am not the only mom with a “less than goopy” fashion sense, actually makes me think I am doing exactly right! LOL
So many talented, courageous and inspiring women out there! This IS what it is all about. Women sharing and raising one another up. I love it. It makes my heart sing.
I’m SO glad you read them and loved them Leslie!! Yes- THIS is what it’s all about. 🙂