I walked up the pathway stones leading to the back door to my mom’s apartment. I smiled with peaceful assurance, while placing my feet on these secure stones my kids and I dug into the ground last week to help my mom have a sturdy walkway toward her patio door entrance. Now she could safely […]
Articles on Motherhood and Mental Health
Today I want to share with you some of my favorite articles that are focused on Motherhood and Mental Health. With Mother’s Day fast approaching and May being “Mental Health Awareness” month, I thought I would offer you the brilliant posts I discovered through my online pursuits. I’m incredibly blessed to be able to read […]
Funny Fridays!!!
So I was thinking, Fridays are for celebrating! So I am starting a Friday Funny post every Friday… I need your help in finding laughter in the weeks events that unfolded. Would you join me and in the comments add to my Funny Findings? I believe it would be… FUN!!! HERE GOES! You know when… […]