To all the fathers who… Stepped up, plugged in, held on, forged ahead, committed to, learned how, embraced all, encountered much, battled through, held tight, loved soft, never quit, backed off, let loose, braved courage, faced fears, prayed for, tightened up, loosened reigns, remembered when, helped often, inspired much, led forward, stayed true, taught morals, […]
It’s A GIVEAWAY! A Really Good One…
(This is a sponsored post by, but I would have done it for free. Really.) Oh dear readers, you are in for a TREAT today! I recently had the most wonderful opportunity to visit and order a custom love coupon book for my daughter’s upcoming birthday. I had never heard of this amazing […]
Divorce: In defense of Ex-Husbands
Today I have a very wonderful and amazing new friend over at my place. I am SO glad I found her in this vast blogosphere! Her posts are always something beautifully written and incredibly thought-ful. I always love that in a writer. Please welcome Ilene from The Fierce Diva Guide to Life! And when you […]