Remember how I said I was funny? I know I don’t show my funny side much here in this blog, and I explained it a while ago… HERE. Well, I was offered the opportunity to BE FUNNY!! Actually, I like to think of it as sharing my expertise on how to communicate with your man. […]
I am Thankful That I Live In The Land of the Free…
Our world is entrenched in war, in mass killings and terror that spreads throughout the globe. I wake each day holding my breath as I listen to the headlines, afraid this may be the day that evil spreads to this great land I live in. I exhale an exhaustive relief that I am protected once […]
A New Book To Buy! “How I Earned My Wrinkles: Musings on Marriage, Motherhood, and Menopause
I mentioned on Facebook that I have set a goal to start supporting more bloggers who have published books and I intend to share more of the many talented writers and friends through my blog and on all my social media outlets. I couldn’t think of a better way to use my time and invest […]