Let’s talk about weight gain, shall we? I recently went through my drawers of jeans and attempted to try on the ones I never wear anymore… And well, let’s say it was finally time to purge them all. I’m 50 years old and my body has changed through the years. My hips continue to get […]
How Moms Make Plans: It’s Always Through Texts
How do moms make plans? If you’re a mom, you know the answer- THROUGH TEXTS! Let’s lighten things up with a little demonstration that showcases something we moms do ALL. THE. TIME. Every day I thank GOD for the invention of texting, because if I didn’t have it, I’d probably never see another soul, talk […]
Thoughts On Turning 50-Years-Old. Hey There, 50! It’s Nice To Meet You
I have some thoughts on turning 50-years-old… Hey there, 50! It’s nice to meet you. Today’s quite a big day. I’ve anticipated this for a while now… and I’m filled with awe and emotion as I stay up to greet you. I look at you and I’m still not sure you’re real… You […]