For those who do not suffer from chronic illness, I am going to share eight extraordinary things about people with Chronic Illness that you need to know. May this list encourage you to understand their plight and their incredible passion to live despite their suffering. May it open a new perspective for you to consider. […]
Book Reviews and Blogs and Blessed!
Since I published my book, I have had gorgeous book reviews written from many readers and dear friends. I am grateful for every single one of them, because the more reviews a book gets, the more exposure and support it will receive from Amazon as well as consumers who read those reviews! Today I wanted […]
This Is Where I Am- Acceptance, Intention, And Purpose
I turn 49 today. And as I wonder about my age, the years gone by, and this season I am in, I realize that these days are the best days of my life. I’m your average middle class American mom with two kids and an adoring husband. I am living the dream I didn’t know […]