I have been blessed with an amazing amount of true friends throughout my life. There are so many women who have loved me just as I am, where I am. They have accepted all my quirks and goofball antics, and they laugh with me as much as they cry with me. Oh, I am grateful for […]
To My Daughter On Her 13th Birthday
Today you turn 13, my precious girl! A teenager. I just can’t even… And yet, I know this turning point in your life shakes your heart too. Actually, you would rather not turn 13, I know. Unlike most girls your age, you don’t really care about growing up and you would just as well stay 12. […]
Don’t Miss Your Moments…
It’s amazing how we remember certain moments in our lives with such clarity and seem to carelessly forget so many more. I reflect on this post I wrote around this time four years ago, and I remember this day like it was yesterday. As I relive this glorious afternoon once again through my reflection- I’m […]