Sometimes I forget summer is the sweet spot of life over here. It’s my absolute favorite season. If you are a mom, I’m guessing you find yourself frazzled and frayed fairly often during the summer months, yes? Yeah. And if your kid is in summer sports, or both your kids are in summer sports, or […]
A Book About “MOM LIFE” That Is Helpful, Hilarious, And Inspiring
I write a lot about motherhood on this blog because being a mom is a huge part of my life and my identity. Any mom can attest to this truth, for there are so many challenges and joys and mishaps along this all-consuming parenting path. No matter what stage your kids are in, or what […]
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas And Cherish Your People
Six days ago, my daughter fell ill and was diagnosed with Influenza A. The rest of the family followed her lead into the harrowing influenza pit, soon after. It got real ugly, fast. We have been stuck inside our house miserably sick, sad, and just plain pissy. That’s what happens when you feel like crud […]