My daughter is finishing up her second year in middle school. She will be an 8th grader in just a few short weeks, and I am in awe of how she has been able to manage the atmosphere and remain dedicated to her education. She has a relentless moral standard, unshakable faith and remarkable courage.
I’ve written about my girl going to middle school and the all the emotions surrounding sending her off into this new world with a prayer and a hope that she would navigate the tough terrain with strength and stamina. I’ve shared the struggles she has had in making friends and the triumphs she has celebrated in taking brave steps forward into the spotlight, and discovering her tribe outside the school walls.
Recently, she texted me about the school’s turbulent times and it led me to write more about her experience and the challenges she has faced in going to a public school.
It’s been difficult for her and yet, I feel a sense of purpose for her precious heart, and I trust that God has placed her in this world for a reason. I’m proud of her choices and her willingness to forge ahead despite the relentless fears and the new views she has witnessed along the way.
I’m so blessed to have a daughter with whom I can celebrate her choices, her confidence, and ultimately her growth in a sometimes maddening environment.
I’m sharing more to this story over at Her View From Home, and I would truly appreciate it if you clicked over to their site to read this very personal piece.
It all started with a text she sent to me in the middle of the day.
“I just heard someone got arrested at the school yesterday.”
“By the police.”
“At school.”
“And we were told that there were 66 suspensions last week.”
Read more about this over at Her View, click HERE.
What?? Didn’t she just start 6th grade? I’m totally ready to read this. Thanks for sharing.
RIGHT? And don’t even get me started on her turning 13 THIS FRIDAY.