Many people choose a word to be their focus for the New Year… Have you seen them? They’re everywhere. People are claiming their mission with their word, and I love the intention behind this idea. I’ve thought a lot about different words and what would be a good fit for me in this season of my life. There are endless possibilities. What to pick, what to pick, what to pick…
Ah, so many words that could prove beneficial for us all, yes?
But there’s this one word that’s been floating around in my head for weeks now… just waiting to land in my heart. It keeps circling around where it needs to descend, but it just keeps hovering above- unable to find an open runway to land. I wait patiently for the click of the landing gear to lower so I can finally allow it to settle onto the ground of who I am. There are so many interferences keeping it from me. The weather of the world does that, you know? But I’ll hold on until the conditions are just right to permit entrance of this one word into my life, my heart, my every day.
Yes this.
As I dance with this word way above where I am, I wonder if you might need to take its hand too. Let’s do this together… Lets define our worth with a clear pathway to land right in the very heart of us all, shall we?
We are Worthy.
We are worthy of respect. Of receiving it from those we love and those we know and even those we don’t know and love. We deserve to be treated with honor and integrity- and we must give that respect back to others. Let’s teach people how to treat us, and teach them well. We owe that to ourselves. The greatest way to show people how to respect us is to respect them. They may not carry the lesson through, but we will be better people for having done the right thing.
We are worthy of love. Of receiving it and of giving it. Love can be difficult, terrifying, excruciating, amazing, and steadfast. We are worthy of being loved, even when we feel unlovable. We are worthy of diving down and digging deep into the trenches of what can sometimes be messy and maddening- but also glorious and gratifying. Let’s give ourselves permission to invite others into our hearts to take up residence there. Love does not have conditions. We must understand this fully.
We are worthy of dreaming. We all have secret passions, smoldering fires that need to be ignited by our own breath. Failure is never permanent… nor does it demand our surrender. Have we lost the will to go for it? Have we become complacent and exhausted in the long road that seems to lead us nowhere? Are we just too distracted with all those other responsibilities to even entertain the possibility? We can’t give up on that dream. We deserve more… GO. GET. IT. One bold step at a time.
We are worthy of success. We have every bit of potential to rise victorious in whatever we pursue. We deserve a shot and a place on the platform of life. Let’s believe that and pour our efforts and energy into our dreams. It’s time to take those risks. We must keep going forward, even when we feel defeated. We owe it to ourselves to reach for IT. Work toward IT. We have a right to be successful. What is the very definition of success? What does it look like? Let’s find our determination and motivation to work toward those goals.
We are worthy of selfishness. Yes that. Each one of us deserves to make decisions that fill us, feed us, and fuel us. It’s critical to our own health to take that time for ourselves and do those things that make you feel centered, rested, content. Selfishness is nourishment we all need and deserve. If we don’t invest our time and energy into that, we will starve. Denying us the right to take care of ourselves is a form of punishment that we don’t deserve. Let’s treat ourselves to wellness, okay? It’s time to identify our needs and honor them.
We are worthy of every emotion we feel. We are utterly human- therefore we will feel ALL the feels. We must honor them. Each one is a marker to help us navigate our path. I think so many people live their lives building barriers around their emotions, putting up safety guards and protective shields in order to function. We owe it to ourselves to cultivate a deep awareness of who we are through identifying and expressing our feelings. All of our emotions are valuable, and each one deserves our attention. Feelings are the pulse of who we are. If we neglect them, ignore them, or push them away- we will never truly be whole.
We are worthy of forgiveness. Mistakes are made- both colossal ones and small ones. No one lives a sinless life. Our mistakes do not define us, but rather the way in which we handle them does. Let’s ask for grace. Offer grace. Forgiveness is the key to freedom. Healing is found in forgiveness. Dive into those messy waters and clean them up. Forgive yourself most of all. The greatest dagger used to kill who we are is shame. We are worthy of letting that heavy burden go. Let’s own up and clean up. Our hearts will be healthier for it. And yes- there will be people who don’t do this dance. If we offer our hand and it’s refused, let’s leave the dance floor knowing we tried. That is enough.
We are worthy of letting go. We try so hard, don’t we? We believe that giving up is for the weak, the defeated, the angry, or the discouraged. Truth is, giving up might be the greatest display of strength there ever was. There are times in our lives, when walking away from something or someone takes bold assertion and deep resolution. There are ongoing paths of decisions that keep us captive or fearful. There may be relationships that are toxic and jobs that are choking the very life out of us. There may be circumstances that are hopeless, no matter how hard we try to rectify wrongdoings, or heal old wounds. There are things in our lives that are unhealthy for us- we are worthy of Letting. Them. Go.
We are worthy of healing. Whatever wounds we have that are still bleeding out, scabbed over, or perhaps cut open once again- we must honor our healing and recovery on our own timeline, in our own way. Healing is hard. Healing is heavy. It’s time to pull back the covers and take a look at the aching parts of who we are. Let’s care for those layers tenderly. We owe our pain the attention it deserves. Though it may be a treacherous task, our eyes will adjust and see that whatever is haunting us CAN be relieved of its job. There’s help. We can seek counsel and support from trusted friends and professionals. We are all broken in various places. We are not alone. We all need mending.
Each and every one of us is worthy of being a spectacular human being. We have the ability and potential to be the very BEST person we were created to be. Are you there yet? I’m not. Let’s keep going. Let’s keep believing in ourselves. Keep searching for our truths and discovering our dreams while healing our wounds. Let’s take those bold steps toward health and wholeness and work hard to get there. Let’s uncover those murky layers of shame and let go of things and people that hold us back. Let’s take risks and celebrate our scary bold steps toward success, freedom, and fulfillment. Let’s let love in, and allow ourselves to open our hearts to forgiveness, and tend to all the emotions that are deeply embedded in who we are. It’s time to realize our WORTH.
Don’t underestimate the value in YOU.
And I’ll try to do the same.
Katia says
Beautiful! Worthy is a notion I’ve often felt like I have to reclaim. Worthy in my own eyes, that is, of course. The word that I keep coming back to is – clean, mostly metaphorically speaking, although I intend to do some major actual physical decluttering. I was toying with the idea of writing about my one word mission and I might still, but I feel like my word may have a narrower appeal. I think that you’re on to something really important here. Women tend to forget they’re worthy and need to be reminded of that. I am so glad you found your word and will be happy to remind you of your worthiness if the need arises. XOXO
momcafe says
Thank you so much for coming by to read this Katia! I need to reclaim this truth often… I am hoping this serves as a good reminder for just that. 🙂
I think ‘clean’ is an excellent word. Did you write about it? I’d love to read it if you did.
Kathy says
Beautiful! Beautiful! Robust! Worthy is the heart of the gift of Christ’s love for us for you! I love this so much! Worthy covers alot of ground! Mine is THRIVE..but surely feeling worthy to thrive comes first..whuch comes from really knowing I am loved are loved..we are loved just how we are..Happiest worthy New Year!
momcafe says
Oooh! I LOVE your word too Kathy!! Worthy is like the ground from which thrive blossoms, right? Taking a good gulp of God’s grace to grow. 🙂
Vanessa says
This is perfect. I’m sharing. I’m also going to try and live this.
momcafe says
Thanks so much for coming by to read this and share it, Vanessa! The best part of your comment–> “I’m also going to try and live this.” YES to THAT. Awesome. 🙂 (Me too!)
Janine Huldie says
Love your word and agree we are definitely worthy of all of the above and more. Happy New Year, my dear, sweet friend.
momcafe says
Thank you Janine! Here’s to 2016! We got this. 🙂
My Inner Chick says
***We have the ability and potential to be the very BEST person we were created to be. Are you there yet? I’m not. ***
No! Me either!
But I’m striving, trying, praying…
My one word is “Evolving.”
I shall continual evolving until my very last breath… Then I shall ask God, “Am I done yet?”
And he shall answer, “Nope, now you need to be somebody’s angel on earth!”
How fun that will be!!
Love. Kiss. Hugs.
From MN. xx00
momcafe says
OOooooooh! I LOVE YOUR WORD!!!!
And I cannot WAIT for our assignment in Heaven! That WILL be fun. 🙂 Maybe we can work together! OH I hope he pairs us up! Wait- we need Kay with us too! Triple Angel threat! LOL
Ceil says
Hi Chris! What a great word, and a super reflection on all that it means to you. And that you wish it for all of us is so generous. Thank you!
We are all ‘worthy’ with Christ, but many times I forget, or just think I’m flat-out not. It’s good to be reminded that I’m so worthy because of God. Not because of anything I do.
Have a wonderful, love-worthy 2016! Can’t wait to see what God has in store for you 🙂
momcafe says
AGREED, my friend. It’s hard to gulp down that God given grace sometimes, isn’t it? I’m so relieved it’s there for the taking…For every last one of us. Defining all these places we can be liberated from old and new chains was an important task for me and I hope it helps encourage other women to do the same.
Lizzi says
Well dangit, Kitty, if you didn’t go and choose some of those words I struggle the very most with. Gee!
I have my word already – as you know, it’s one for the rest of my life, rather than just the year – Becoming. What I want to become is the closest I can be to the being I was intended to be. I know that lines will be blurred in this world and cleared in the next, and that who I am meant to be is a pinnacle far beyond anything I can achieve here in the world of shadows, yet in Becoming, I will at least be striving to get closer.
But I’m not worthy. For me, it’s all about CHOICE. Grace, yes, and forgiveness and selfishness and success and all those other good things, but they all come back to choice – mine or someone else’s. I don’t think I can ever be WORTH [whatever] because that implies merit, and that I could also be UNworth it. Choice, though, occurs anyway, regardless of the particulars of whether or not I deserve it.
Love you, my darling, and thanks as ever for the encouragement, the challenge, and for making me THINK <3
momcafe says
Oh my lovely Lizzi… leave to you to make is SO COMPLICATED! LOL 🙂
Merit shmerit. Aren’t we all worthy of these things without earning them?
*Tackles you to the ground and tickles you until you concede*
Tamara says
The letting go bit hit me the most, as you know from my post!
I think it’s a perfect one word. I’d need it for five years, knowing me. I have never really felt worthy and sometimes I don’t know if it’s just 100% in my head, or if I let people make me feel this way. I’ll have to figure it out.
That said, I also feel worthy of dreaming, respect and success.
And going to see a movie alone on Tuesday morning and then getting burgers for lunch!
momcafe says
Can I join you on Tuesday morning for a movie and burger? *Dreaming* 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom says
I would try to pick a word, but it would end up like my New Year’s memory jar {cough-cough-ahem}. But your word is inspiring and uplifting and inspirational! How about I just keep reading your blog for my daily encouragement? 🙂
momcafe says
LOL!!! You crack me UP! And btw- I LOVE YOUR IDEA!!! 🙂
Lil at Embracing the Lovely says
Love your Word for 2016! I’m so glad my worth comes from the Lord! He has been so good to me!
momcafe says
We are worthy in His Eyes, always. Oh, how grateful I am for that truth. 🙂
Kristen says
YES! This is perfect and you are right, we are all worthy! Thank you for the motivation and encouragement, you are exactly what I needed today! My word is authenticity by the way…I hope you enjoy your time off!
momcafe says
I’m SO glad you believe this too, Kristen! And I love your word. 🙂
Lisa @ The Golden Spoons says
Love you word!!! It’s one that I often forget about myself – I think a lot of women do. We are, indeed, worthy. Thank you for the inspiration and the reminder. Happy 2016!
momcafe says
Thanks Lisa, for coming by to read this! We truly are worthy of these things- and so much more really. I think we could all use the reminder. I know I did. 🙂
Candace says
Yes, my friend. We ARE worthy! I’m in love with your word for the year. So much so that I’ll be hijacking it for a future year :). In the meantime, I’ll walk alongside you as you learn to bask in it this year. Much love and many blessings to you and yours in 2016, Chris.
momcafe says
Aw! Thanks so much sweet friend. It’s a blessing to have you in my life as we walk alongside each other… LOVE to you and here’s to 2016! God’s got this. 🙂
Ally Carter says
Great word for the year, one we should definitely all remember
momcafe says
Thanks Ally! AGREED. 🙂
Allie says
Oh my goodness – yes! I love this. I lived the letting go and the dreaming. And healing. Honestly, all if it. I think this is my favorite one word post I’ve read. Great job Christine.
momcafe says
I’ve lived them all too!!! And keep living them all! lol And struggling with them all. And fighting for them all. 🙂 I’m so glad you liked this one, Allie. THANK YOU!
Julie Jo Severson says
You truly have the gift to inspire. Thank you for this today friend. Especially the letting go one. Needed to hear that:)
momcafe says
That letting go one is a tricky and tough one, isn’t it? Sigh…
SO grateful for your amazing encouragement, my friend. <3
Bev says
Just beautiful, Chris. There are no other words. Thank you for sharing this!
momcafe says
Thank you so much, Bev. Grateful you came by to read it… 🙂
Stephanie says
I love this word for the year! Yes, you are worthy, I’m worthy, we’re all worthy of all the things you talked about and more. When we realize and accept God’s love for us and understand that we are worthy and don’t have to do anything to prove it…bam!
Go forth, worthy one, and do great things
momcafe says
Yes! BAM! 🙂 You go forth, worthy one, and do great things too!!
Clare Speer says
Love your word for 2016! I need to give this some thought for myself – my word….. but I love how you broke down how many different ways we ARE WORTHY!
momcafe says
Thanks so much Clare! I really wanted to unpack this one. I needed it, and I am guessing many other women do too. 🙂
Kristi Campbell says
I love this so much. Worthy. We are truly worthy, aren’t we? Even when we feel as if we’re not. BTW, this week’s Finish the Sentence is the word of 2016. I hope you’ll link this up!
momcafe says
TOTALLY linked up!! And I’m JUST realizing I never put the link on my post! ACK!!! On it!
Dana says
I have such a hard time picking one word, but I love how yours encompasses so much. I struggle with the letting go, even when I know that it is what is best for me. I’m working on it! Happy new year, Chris. xoxo
momcafe says
Dana- that’s my hardest one to manage too. I’m working on it as well, my friend!
Kelly L McKenzie says
Such a worthy post, Chris! Good to see you are back on your feet, too. Here’s to a healthy, worthy year for all.
momcafe says
CHEERS to THAT Kelly! 🙂
Kim says
Because of emotional and some verbal abuse from one of my own parents over the years I’ve often felt unworthy of anything. Unworthy of love, happiness, success, peace, contentment. Just…unworthy. A little under 3.5 years ago I finally kicked that toxic parent to the curb and haven’t spoken to them since. Now, three years later, I am finally starting to feel worthy. Feelings of worthlessness still creep up, not surprisingly I suppose, but thankfully I am much better today than I used to be.
momcafe says
Kim, I’m SO glad you were able to disconnect from the toxic parent that was causing such horrible feelings of unworthiness. That takes courage and strength, my friend. I’m THRILLED you are in a new place of wellness and peace.
Elaine A. says
This may sound a little crazy but I woke up this morning thinking of THIS word in regards to circumstances in my life right now. And then I came upon this beautiful expressed post you wrote, Christine. I am going to file this one away. It’s perfection. Thank you, for letting everyone know they are worthy. And YOU are too!!
momcafe says
Oh Elaine- how I just LOVE that you were obviously meant to read this! I do hope you carry this message into your circumstances and continue to believe it deeply and assuredly.
Rorybore says
I’m too fickle to choose one word; but I gotta admit: that’s a darn good one. Absolute truth. And I hope I am not “there yet” — I’d hate to think I’ve done all my growing already. It’s always an adventure to see what is beyond.
momcafe says
Oh girl, I’m SO not there yet either. Grow-ING is and will always be my present state. We’ll be ‘there’ at the end of this life. 🙂
Lisa @ The Meaning of Me says
I LOVE your word. Love it. Can’t tell you how much what you say here speaks to me today, Chris.
God puts people where He wants them – my Grandparents and my Mom have always said that. True.
The things you’ve outlined here are so many of the things I need and want to remember – it’s too easy to talk ourselves into believing we are not worthy of these. You can’t give to anyone else if you’re a total mess yourself, right? May as well take care of you and let that grow and spread to others.
I think I’m keeping this by my computer to read often. Seriously.
So glad to re-connect with you again. xo
momcafe says
Oh my friend, I am SO glad you read this and it spoke to you! “God puts people where He wants them-” <--- LOVE. It is SO good connect again!
Mardra says
Oh my, yes to this.
momcafe says
Thank you Mardra! 🙂
Jennifer Hall says
Oh Chris…..every emotion we feel. I chose Genuine, yet I am really struggling with letting down the walls I’ve put up to protect myself during my year of Resolve, to acknowledge and share my real emotions. I’m scared. Wrote a little something about it today; will probably publish it on Monday. Ugh.
momcafe says
Jennifer, I read your post and I am so proud of your word and your goal to give your emotions a voice! You owe that to yourself, my friend. You got this. <3
Anna Fitfunner says
Well, first of all, great word choice! You are certainly worthy, and kudos to you for surfacing the issue with which so many of us can struggle. Sometimes in the hustle, bustle, and tussle of life we can forget our own worth — and that just leads to problems. Wishing you a wonderful worthy 2016!
momcafe says
Thanks so much Anna! Yes… it’s so easy to dismiss our worth when life takes over. I know I needed this reminder myself!
Kenya G. Johnson says
Girl! What did it take to write this? I want to know where you were and just how you purged this incredible peace. Wow! It’s only been a handful of times in my 5ish years of reading blogs that I’ve been rendered speechless. This was very motivating. I’d love to hear you read it. If anyone or even you ever decides to put together a collection of written word to help motivate this should be in it. It’s speaks to anyone. Just wow – that’s all I’ve got.
I’m on a Facebook break but I am sharing this.
momcafe says
Oh Kenya! Your response to this one just made all the time and heart I put into this worth it!! It took 48 years of living, failing, feeling, falling, learning, growing, and discovering to write this! LOL Seriously, I mulled this post over for weeks… editing round and round and fine tuning it until I thought it ‘might’ be done. THANK YOU SO SO MUCH for ‘getting it’!!! Hmmm… reading out loud? Let me think about that. 🙂
Lisa Sadikman says
So wonderful Christine! That refrain “We are worthy…” is like a heartbeat that includes all of us. Truly inspirational. My words are “Make Room” and as I read your piece I realized that to do that, I have to believe that I’m worthy. Thank you thank you thank you.
momcafe says
Oh Lisa! I absolutely LOVED the piece you recently wrote! Make room…. ah… how I adore that phrase. I’m so glad you came by to visit and we have connected!