Let’s talk about weight gain, shall we? I recently went through my drawers of jeans and attempted to try on the ones I never wear anymore… And well, let’s say it was finally time to purge them all. I’m 50 years old and my body has changed through the years. My hips continue to get […]
One Word For The Year: Worthy
Many people choose a word to be their focus for the New Year… Have you seen them? They’re everywhere. People are claiming their mission with their word, and I love the intention behind this idea. I’ve thought a lot about different words and what would be a good fit for me in this season of […]
Embrace Who You Are: A Miraculous Masterpiece!
I can define myself in so many ways. So can you. I like to think of our identity as a miraculous puzzle, in which we add piece by piece of who we are as time goes on and life is lived. Much like a puzzle, we slowly form a picture of who we are through […]