I am entering the Christmas season, with a weary and worn spirit. I have stepped into the advent similarly in years past, depleted and empty of anything worthy of celebration… but ironically so desperately in need of a Savior. The timing seems wrong, but perhaps so right, as I long to linger in His Light […]
Called to Care for the Sick and Wounded
Friends, I have the honor and the privilege of sharing two beautiful books with you today. Both of the authors have boundless hearts and serve in hospitals as Child Life Specialists, where they pour their efforts and energy into caring for precious children and their families. They are skilled at their work as they assist […]
“My Other Ex: Women’s True Stories of Losing and Leaving Friends”
Women are fiercely passionate people, aren’t we? We connect deeply with other women, and oftentimes develop long lasting friendships that make an enormous impact on our lives. We create bonds that are unbreakable, and fiercely love each other through the unfortunate falls and the tumultuous turns we endure. Our connections with each other are often […]