Our kids will face some difficult friendships as they grow up and delve into new social circles. We need to be aware of how those relationships develop and how they impact our children. I’m sure there are similar dynamics with boys, but I have found in my 30+ years of working with kids, that girls […]
How To Help Your Kid Through Teen Drama: Insights and Advice
I’ve worked with teens for 30 years, in group homes and psychiatric hospitals, in youth ministries and as a teacher in several schools, and there is one social dynamic that always seems to rise within circles of friends- It’s called teen drama. Ah, teen drama. There are all kinds of situations that can arise among […]
Finding Her Tribe In Tough Terrain
I am sitting upstairs, listening to giggles and shouts downstairs in the basement, while my daughter and her new-found girlfriends are playing games. She’s been wanting to have them over for months, because they have become her closest friends. She spends tons of time with them because they are swimmers in the same swim […]