Today I am over at Mothering From Scratch talking about how motherhood brings you to the end of yourself. Have you been there? On your knees? Nothing else to give? Searching for answers or begging for healing? Have you ever found yourself realizing that your power isn’t enough? I have been there, and I thank […]
Devotional Diary: Sustenance Isaiah 46:4
Today my dear friend Linda is sharing her beautiful wisdom and inspiration for us all to take in, gobble down, and uplift our hearts. She has a lovely blog where she shares Godly encouragement for moms regularly, and I urge you to go check her out and be blessed by her words… and message. You […]
Devotional Dairy: Friendship 1John 3:16
I have been blessed with an amazing amount of true and unconditional friendships throughout my life. So many dear souls who have embraced, loved and cared for me during times of suffering. So many women who have loved me just as I am, where I am. They have accepted all my quirks and goofball antics […]