I am not a good “sick person”. I moan and groan and complain that I need to “get things done” and hate to cancel activities in my life. I stagger around the house attempting to push productivity, as I force myself forward without forfeiting the loss of time. I begrudgingly reflect on the dinner gathering […]
Devotional Diary: Find The Light in Empowerment
The wave of consensus seems to often guide us toward caring for ourselves in a protective and delicate way. We are to only go so far and never go beyond what we are comfortable doing- don’t push or pull too hard. If it’s stepping into fear or sacrificing who we are, then we must consider […]
Divorce Is Devastating…
Divorce Is Devastating… I took your hand and prayed. Shoving the anguish deep behind the shadow of strength… I needed to have for you. This path you did not plan. This journey you did not intend. The moment has come to end… It all. I walked away as you entered the room. I could only […]