Every blogger has a platform, where they display their writing gift, their art, their mission, their business, and their voice. We take center stage when we post an article we deem worthy of reading, sharing, and publishing out for the world to see. There are countless men and women that work behind the scenes, connecting […]
Extraordinary Mom…
I am an extraordinary mom. Yes, I am. I don’t mean the kind of mom that has it all together and has those superpowers that some moms do…I am talking about something very different. I’m just not ordinary. So I am going with extra– ordinary. Let me explain: I am the kind of mom that has […]
Funny Fridays!!!
So I was thinking, Fridays are for celebrating! So I am starting a Friday Funny post every Friday… I need your help in finding laughter in the weeks events that unfolded. Would you join me and in the comments add to my Funny Findings? I believe it would be… FUN!!! HERE GOES! You know when… […]