I’m not a stranger to managing pain. I have had four surgeries in five years, and every one of them left me in pretty bad shape. Pain has so much power… There is a slippery bridge from physical pain to mental anguish. I try not to step on it. I know what’s on the other […]
Grrr… To Gratitude
I wrote this post over two years ago, and I came across it and realized this principle is ongoing for us all. I believe one of the greatest challenges and deepest joys comes from the fine art of gratitude… Even when you’re suffering. During the years that my daughter was sick, we learned together that […]
Finding New Thankful Hearts!
This is my TToT mission: Finding new thankful hearts! Why not reach out and compel others to share their own list of Thankfuls? Each week, as my beloved friend Lizzi calls us to heed the power in gratitude, I will carry the message outside of my blog. It will be my ongoing goal to encourage […]