Let me tell you a little story about circumstances and consequences, about inspiration and compassion, about passion and purpose, about a book I wrote! Back in Dec. of 2014, I was stuck on the couch in a leg cast for 8 weeks, pretty miserable by all accounts. I wanted to keep up with my blog, […]
Don’t Let Anyone Steal Your Hope
I grabbed my baby and scooped her up into my arms, as she wailed that soul-shattering sound a baby makes when she’s in pain. I couldn’t stand it any longer. I had to stop the therapist from doing her work. “Don’t you want your child to be able to play on the playground with the […]
God’s Word Delivered in the Sweetest Way
My daughter Cassidy worked on these precious love notes without my knowing. When she showed them to me, I was both humbled and surprised at her determination to create these beautiful pieces of encouragement through God’s Word. I wanted to share them with you, in case you may need a few notes of encouragement too. […]