When it comes to motherhood, women experience all kinds of changes in our bodies, our emotions, and our minds. Some changes are wondrous, inspiring, beautiful, fulfilling and extraordinary while other changes are… Well, not so great. I could list them all, but let’s not go there. I only have so much time and this post […]
Projects Projects Projects…
I needed to clean out my desk to give my girl. It was a simple task. My desk was small, so I didn’t have too much to sort through. Or so I thought… This isn’t the first time one small task has catapulted into a few more…massive projects. I suppose it happens when we continue […]
Clash of the Couples Coming Soon!
Remember how I said I was funny? I know I don’t show my funny side much here in this blog, and I explained it a while ago… HERE. Well, I was offered the opportunity to BE FUNNY!! Actually, I like to think of it as sharing my expertise on how to communicate with your man. […]