I love being showered with gifts and gratitude on Mother’s Day. My kids thanked me for being “an awesome mom” in more ways than one. I deserve that praise, oh how I do! So I soak it in, and lavish in my luxurious day off of the job, drenched in the spoils of my entitlement… […]
Keurig Giveaway! Show Us Your Meltdown!
Motherhood… it can knock us to our knees or lift us to the mountain tops. It’s quite a journey, full of twists and turns that sometimes leave us spiraling into an emotional, and unexpected meltdown. Moms. Kids. We all have them. I’ve been brought to tears by my kids almost as much as I bring […]
My Mother’s Day Gift To Myself
I decided I deserved something special this Mother’s Day…so I made my kids write a list of ten reasons why they are thankful I am their mom. I did. Yeah, it may have been forced upon them. Yes, it was late last night when we got home from the 439th soccer game. Yep, I was […]