Oh mother, oh mother What challenge awaits your day? Stay strong and endure The “endless road” some say! Mother, ah… Mother Embrace each moment or You’ll look back and wonder Was there so much more? Oh Mother, dear Mother The winding road you’ll see That when the path takes a turn Another road […]
His Bread…
Some of you may have noticed, I haven’t been ‘around’ the blogosphere. I have been traveling and spending time with family, and will be off the grid for a few days. I truly miss my beloved blog peeps and can’t wait to catch up when I return! Over at 1Corinthians 13 Parenting, I recently shared […]
A Mama’s Love
I often have these breathless moments of mama love with my son…Tangled around his need for me, I realize how deep a mother’s love dives. Today I am so honored to share my thoughts over at one of my dearest and most beloved friends, Susannah’s Whoa! Susannah. Oh, how I adore her!! If you […]