Why do Christians pray in response to horrible headlines? Terrible things happen all over the world every day. We see the headlines describing horrific mass shootings, devastating natural disasters, demoralizing victimization, erupting war-torn regions, and personal tragic circumstances that are heartbreaking, terrifying, and upsetting to read. When calamitous news is shared on various media […]
Ten Character Traits of a Woman of Faith
Ten Character Traits of a Woman of Faith I could list many faithful women who have had an impact on my life and I realize each one has similar traits. These characteristics are what compel me to do better, try harder, love deeper, and above all, realize the power of God’s grace and the […]
Devotional Diary: The Prodigal Son
Dear readers, I have decided to start a series on Sundays. As we trudge through this amazing and challenging life together, I thought I would share my thoughts, my devotions, and my prayers with you… If you would like to contribute to this series, I would absolutely love your devotion to share! Sundays are a […]