Have you read the greatest story ever told? I decided when December came, I wouldn’t watch or read the news for the entire Christmas season and let me tell you, it has changed everything. Instead of watching the news every night, I’ve been watching Tim Mackie Sermons (I’m obsessed. Seriously, look him up. I have […]
Why Do Christians Pray In Response to Horrible Headlines? Let Me Explain…
Why do Christians pray in response to horrible headlines? Terrible things happen all over the world every day. We see the headlines describing horrific mass shootings, devastating natural disasters, demoralizing victimization, erupting war-torn regions, and personal tragic circumstances that are heartbreaking, terrifying, and upsetting to read. When calamitous news is shared on various media […]
Follow Jesus: A Christian Teen’s Guide to Navigating the Online World
Follow Jesus: A Christian Teen’s Guide to Navigating the Online World. You can purchase the book HERE on Amazon. If you are a Christian parent, I know how important it is for you to raise your kids with the Biblical virtues and values we honor in following Christ. As our kids get older and begin […]