Devotional Diary… I’m in a season of madness, functioning, and frantic scurrying to get ‘things done’. I am task oriented and overwhelmed, as my priorities fight for first in line. No time to take a breath, reflect or process… barely an utterance of silence in my mind. Instead of long lingering prayers, I am unable […]
My dear friends, have you met Meredith over at The Mom of the Year? If you haven’t, you are missing out on a pretty HUGE blessing in your life. She is funny and faithful and a “forever” kinda friend. You know those kind? The real gems in our world, that are insightful and genuine and […]
I Want To Be Mary…
I keep thinking about Mary and Martha, you know those women of the bible, who resemble any of us out there? They are two of Jesus’ closest friends. Their brother was Lazarus. This isn’t about his story though- maybe another time, because it is a pretty good one. The story I keep being reminded of […]