I was looking for a movie to watch while I exercised, and came across “The Passion of the Christ” and thought it would be a good one to watch. I haven’t seen it since it came out and fresh from Easter celebrations, I thought to myself, “This would be good for me. I need another […]
Devotional Diary…Light Shines Through
Just When… Just when I am feeling discouraged that my kids don’t understand gratitude and fall short in so many values I constantly try to teach them… My friend shares how beautifully they behaved during an evening out and how impressed she was with their manners and respect. Just when I feel defeated with all […]
Grrr…To Gratitude
27 hours. That’s how long my daughter had been whining and moaning about the incessant tube that was taped around her face and neck and channeled through her nose down into her stomach. Still groggy and cranky from the anesthesia, as it always makes her someone she is not. I don’t like what the drug […]