I’ve been talking with some moms that have older kids that are grown and out of the home. These particular moms have shared their struggles with letting go and watching their children fall. I feel their broken hearts. I listen to the angst in their words and see the pain in their eyes. Hope is […]
Mom Stories Create The Bond
I made a friend this week. It was one of those new friends you just know God had a hand in the making. Why is this friendship such treasured news to blog about? Well, because it’s how our friendship started. As mothers, we can bond instantly over our mom stories can’t we? Whether they are […]
As my hubby, and two kids were scurrying around the kitchen this morning, out of the blue my five-year old begins a meltdown of sorts throwing a fit exclaiming with a pathetically terrified voice…. “MOMMY’S TURNING INTO A GRANDMA!!!!” “NO REALLY!!! SHE’S TURNING INTO A GRANDMA!!” “HER HAIR IS TURNING WHITE!!! IT’S GROWING EVERYWHERE!!!” My […]