As summer melts into blurry days of sun and heat and fun, my mind continues it’s decay of sorts. Those moms who stay home with their kids all day can probably understand this dementia…as every minute seems to roll into endless interactions of constant instructions and admonitions and praise and encouragement of the children that […]
Please stand by….
Please stand by for more blog updates just as soon as the storm that hurled me up into the sky (and is currently swooshing me around,) spits me out and I can land again on the soft fertile wildflower cemetery of my homeland. Oh how I long to sit and look out my window while […]
Beauty Is In The Eye of The Beholder….
If you need to find our home, just look for the sheet of yellow….our entire big lot is filled with glorious dandelions. Thousands of them! No room for grass….they fill our little piece of earth like a packed subway during rush hour. It is truly a site to behold. The boundary lines to our neighboring […]