My Pastor shared a quote from Erma Bombeck in a sermon weeks ago and I still find it swimming in my mind. It penetrated me so deeply that I think about it every day. Her quote went like this: Wow… I really think that should be everyone’s goal. 100% of all of us. Can you imagine? […]
Grow Up, Would You?
I just had a heated argument with my 5-year-old. I was mature and authoritarian, and ‘adult-like’ during this interaction modeling excellent parenting techniques. The outcome was both beneficial and rewarding for my child. Sure. If you have one clue, it’s that the argument ended in me saying “WHATEVER!!” in the most adolescent voice any 43 […]
Do You Get ROCKED To Your Core?
It’s 1:00am and I am in bed listening to my dear daughter cough her lungs out. It reminds me of all we have been through with this horrible ailment they call “Asthma”. She is in a bout, but it is mild compared to what we have been through during the last almost eight years of […]