I have a friend who calls me “Angel”. She’s been calling me that for years now, and each time feels like the first. I gasp under my breath each time, with a deep chilling reverence for being called such a thing. She believes I am just that for her, but I stand in resistant acceptance […]
Devotional Diary: Inspiration…
Lately I have been thinking about this quote again… I wrote about it a while back and it still touches me so deeply. Oh Erma, you got it right girl! Wow… I really think that should be everyone’s goal. 100% of all of us. Can you imagine? I often try to put things in perspective […]
Grab The Flag!! A Story About Flag Football and Life
While watching my six-year-old son play flag football last Saturday, something amazing happened. First of all, it’s important to the story that you know we played him “up” to the big league of 2nd and 3rd graders because he is quite the little athlete (to his father’s credit), and he is doing great! He is […]