Years ago, when I seemed to be more on the ball in this motherhood gig, I always planned academic goals for my kids every summer. I would buy summer workbooks according to their grade and set out with strategies to enforce daily brain work, with the intention of keeping all that knowledge they learned through […]
Lessons on Losing
There are many lessons on losing we can teach our kids. I think it’s one of the most important aspects of life they need to master, because losing is surely a huge part of living. We grow more from the bottom than the top, I say. Recently, my son was in an annual JiuJitsu tournament. […]
Don’t Miss Your Moments…
It’s amazing how we remember certain moments in our lives with such clarity and seem to carelessly forget so many more. I reflect on this post I wrote around this time four years ago, and I remember this day like it was yesterday. As I relive this glorious afternoon once again through my reflection- I’m […]