Breaking News! How many times a day do you see this headline? We are living in turbulent times and it just might be taking a toll on our well being, our health, and ultimately our lives. I think I can assume that everyone is overwhelmed from the ongoing developments of our national political scene and the […]
One Word For The Year: Worthy
Many people choose a word to be their focus for the New Year… Have you seen them? They’re everywhere. People are claiming their mission with their word, and I love the intention behind this idea. I’ve thought a lot about different words and what would be a good fit for me in this season of […]
Why You Should Try Aqua Aerobics
Today I have a lovely new friend here, sharing something I really want to try once I am out of this cast! With January comes the idea of getting healthier, and exercise is surely one component of our lives that is important for so many reasons. I for one, haven’t had exercise on my ‘priority […]