I need a rhythm to my life. One that has a natural predictable progression of steady beats and breaks that flow effortlessly and intentionally. It simply needs to create a nice fine-tuned balance of GO and STAY… RUN and REST… WORK and RELAX… HURRY and SLOW DOWN… FUN and RESPONSIBILITY and of QUIET and […]
Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful You
Do you know that you are beautiful? You are. You were knitted together in your mother’s womb by His Almighty Hands. His workmanship is wonderful. His love, unending. You were made on purpose, for a purpose. Each delicate thread so carefully created and woven together within you~ Is a miraculous masterpiece. […]
Embrace Who You Are: A Miraculous Masterpiece!
I can define myself in so many ways. So can you. I like to think of our identity as a miraculous puzzle, in which we add piece by piece of who we are as time goes on and life is lived. Much like a puzzle, we slowly form a picture of who we are through […]