My kids are officially back in school, and although I am always quite emotional about sending them off into a new year, I am also a bit relieved and excited to finally have some time to MYSELF. At the beginning of each summer, I anticipate all kinds of time to relax in the summer sun […]
About Those Straight Lines- Predictable Paths
I like straight lines. Lines that have no knots, kinks or loops I have to untie, hurdle over, or wind around. Predictability. Stability. A day that starts and ends with a nice straight line from morning ‘til night… Having everything go my way. Predictable paths. Life has a way of messing up our straight […]
Dear Childless Mother…
Dear Childless Mother, Do you know that every time I share a picture or a post about my children, I think of you? Every time. Do you know that every time I talk about my parenting, my days filled with all the frustrations and joys of raising my kids, I think of you? I do. […]