Why do Christians pray in response to horrible headlines? Terrible things happen all over the world every day. We see the headlines describing horrific mass shootings, devastating natural disasters, demoralizing victimization, erupting war-torn regions, and personal tragic circumstances that are heartbreaking, terrifying, and upsetting to read. When calamitous news is shared on various media […]
Six Things You Can Say to Encourage Your Teen
Six Things You Can Say to Encourage Your Teen Parents of teens have an arsenal of things we tell our kids multiple times a day. And often, they are questions, demands, and reprimands. “Pick up your room!” “Get off your phone!” “What stinks in here?” “What in the world are you doing?” “You’re going to […]
Moms, Don’t Forget That Summer is the Sweet Spot of Life
Sometimes I forget summer is the sweet spot of life over here. It’s my absolute favorite season. If you are a mom, I’m guessing you find yourself frazzled and frayed fairly often during the summer months, yes? Yeah. And if your kid is in summer sports, or both your kids are in summer sports, or […]