One year, Halloween unfolded a bit differently than expected and we learned how to practice the golden rule- do onto others as you would have them do onto to you. My son had picked out an awesome “Flash” costume to wear in his Kindergarten parade at school… because of course my kid is as fast […]
So Many Angels…
I have learned of so many mothers who have lost their babies. My heart aches for these moms. In the quiet of the night, I pray for them. I can’t even begin to understand the depths of their despair or the trauma that shakes their souls. There are some moms who have spent earthly time […]
Car Conversations…
If you are like me, you have those “mom moments” from time to time with hilarious car conversations with kids. Those are the times you say to yourself: “Oh dear Lord in Heaven above, are we really talking about this?” And the answer is: We are going there and more. Here’s one of my […]