“My Awsome World” By Cassidy Carter Age 9 My precious daughter brought home an essay she wrote during recess. I found it worthy of publishing here, despite her 4th grade errors… “My Awsome World” If I could choose to create my own world I would make it like this. I would have NO […]
The Delicate and Deliberate Deception Lives On…Elf on the Shelf Part 2.
The Elf is back. The kids have been waiting for him to come since this summer, seriously. Last year, it was consuming their world…and it has continued to devour their minds and hearts ever since. Not one day passed in ALL of November, where one of them didn’t asked when the Elf would come. Not […]
Wounds Make Warriors…
Dear readers, I am honored to share that I will be a regular Momtor at the wonderful site Mothering From Scratch. My first post is out today!! Please click on the link below and read. Please support my work and this excellent site by commenting there! This is really exciting! Woot. 😉 http://motheringfromscratch.com/2012/11/05/momtor-monday-wounds-make-warriors/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+MotheringFromScratch+%28Mothering+From+Scratch%29