My daughter is finishing up her second year in middle school. She will be an 8th grader in just a few short weeks, and I am in awe of how she has been able to manage the atmosphere and remain dedicated to her education. She has a relentless moral standard, unshakable faith and remarkable courage. […]
The Best Way To Manage Your To Do List
Do you ever get overwhelmed? Things pile up and you start to twist a little tighter as the ever growing “To Do” list doesn’t get done? Sometimes, things happen and life takes on a different turn and priorities shift and that list gets put in the drawer- on the back burner would be dangerous- so […]
Devotional Diary: For Lent, I Will Give Up The Lies
I’ve never given up anything for the Lenten Season…I’m not sure why. Maybe because I haven’t fully embraced the mission of its purpose. And I should. I know I should. But I think much of what people give up for God, is in some way, not enough. Maybe I have always believed there is […]