Do you struggle with reading the Bible on your own? I do. You’ll never find me without a good bible study on my coffee table- with folded pages, highlighter and pen nearby. I have an ongoing stack of books either waiting to be read, or I am currently reading, all written by faithful writers who […]
A Christmas Lullaby
Years ago, I wrote a song for Jesus- A Christmas Lullaby. Back when I used to teach music, I would pick one voice student to sing it for my annual Christmas recital. Every Christmas season this song was performed by a precious child’s innocent and beautiful voice. It’s one of my favorites, and I thought I […]
One Nation Under God – Come Election Day… God Still Reigns
America is waging war on itself with the growing division of two political parties battling for the upcoming presidential election. The heart of every American is under siege as the attacks escalate and the weapons of words continue to destroy the very fabric of our fortitude no matter which side you’re on. The hatred and […]