Years ago, I wrote a song for Jesus- A Christmas Lullaby. Back when I used to teach music, I would pick one voice student to sing it for my annual Christmas recital. Every Christmas season this song was performed by a precious child’s innocent and beautiful voice. It’s one of my favorites, and I thought I […]
Merry Christmas! He Came For You
Are you the lowly Shepard, standing still and afraid? Alone out in the vastness of the fields… Wandering in the darkness? Do you wade through your days, Working tirelessly with no end? Are you filthy, worn and weary… Wishing there was more? Go To Him. Follow the star. Find His Light. He came for you. […]
To The Christians Who Judge…Have You Met Jesus?
To Christians Who Judge: Have You Met Jesus? To those Christians who talk about other people’s choices behind their backs with fierce judgment… To those Christians who claim their self righteousness with a prideful manner that sprays and stings and separates you from ‘them’… To those Christians who build barriers and walls to those seeking […]