An Important Back-To-School Talk for Christian Teens Dear kids, I want so much for you. You are full of so much possibility, so much potential… I am your biggest fan and I want to help you succeed in everything you do. You are smart. You are grounded. You are wise. But you are young and […]
The Ultimate List of Books for Moms You Don’t Want to Miss
The Ultimate List of Books for Moms Being a mom takes a whole lot of faith, a trusting crew of friends, and all the help and encouragement we can get from other moms who are gifted with the ability to use their heartfelt words and inspiring stories and well-worn wisdom to guide us along the […]
Follow Jesus: A Christian Teen’s Guide to Navigating the Online World
Follow Jesus: A Christian Teen’s Guide to Navigating the Online World. You can purchase the book HERE on Amazon. If you are a Christian parent, I know how important it is for you to raise your kids with the Biblical virtues and values we honor in following Christ. As our kids get older and begin […]