Let’s talk about weight gain, shall we? I recently went through my drawers of jeans and attempted to try on the ones I never wear anymore… And well, let’s say it was finally time to purge them all. I’m 50 years old and my body has changed through the years. My hips continue to get […]
Five Things You Need To Know When You Are Recovering From An Injury, Surgery, Or Illness
One year ago today, I released my book, “Help and Hope While You’re Healing: A woman’s guide toward wellness while recovering from injury, surgery, or illness”. I didn’t dream it to be a wild ride of success- landing on The New York Time’s Best Seller list. I rather dreamed it to be a source […]
How To Help Someone Healing From Injury, Surgery, or Illness
How To Help Someone Healing From Injury, Surgery, or Illness I want to offer you advice on how to help someone healing from surgery, injury, or illness. There are many ways you can help someone during their recovery. There are some obvious ways you can do this, and there are less obvious things to consider […]